5 Advantages of Leisure Activities in Aged Care Facilities

senior gardening

For many reasons, engaging in leisure and lifestyle activities is important for older adults. These activities can help improve physical and mental health, provide opportunities for social interaction and help stave off boredom and loneliness.

It doesn’t matter how old you are; maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle becomes even more crucial as we age. 

One of its advantages is that aged care facilities in Perth can give seniors regular access to pursuits that encourage living life to the fullest.

Advantages of Leisure Activities For Senior Care

You Can Have Health and Well-Being Improvements

Recreational activities are essential for the wellness of senior citizens and support a healthy lifestyle. They are not only desirable extras for them. 

For seniors, gentle exercise is crucial to preserving physical health. By fostering a sense of belonging, purpose, and camaraderie among residents, lifestyle activities can enhance residents’ well-being and mental health outcomes significantly. 

Residents of an elderly care facility have access to frequent social activities that help to foster connection and reduce isolation, in contrast to living alone with little social engagement.

Your Interests and Needs Are Prioritised

We occasionally make the mistake of treating seniors as though they were a single, homogeneous group, but in aged care services in Perth, each senior is respected for the distinct individual they are, with distinct preferences and requirements. 

A top-notch senior living facility will assess each resident’s cognitive function and physical mobility as well as their personality, likes, dislikes, and religious and cultural backgrounds.

A personalised lifestyle program that attempts to meet individual needs, interests, and goals can be built from this position of increased understanding. 

Pet therapy, for instance, might be quite enjoyable for someone who likes animals, but if they don’t, they can find a dog unpleasant. 

The lifestyle plans created to meet each person’s demands are as unique as they are. Thanks to the inclusion of this particular program in their overall care plan, good quality of life is attained, and these demands are constantly addressed.

You Have a Lot of Choices Available to You

Residents can select from various lifestyle activities after learning about the unique and planned program and choose how they want to participate in those activities. 

Others believe that social activities like bingo or group exercise are more useful than spending their free time alone, solving crossword puzzles or reading in the seclusion of their homes.

Your Safety Is Always Taken into Account

The main objective of any aged care facility is to keep the inhabitants safe physically and emotionally, but this also encourages participation in lifestyle activities. 

Staff members are there to listen to any worries and offer consolation and emotional support, just like with any care. The conduct of the residents will be observed for any changes, indications of loneliness, or symptoms that might require more help. This can go completely undiscovered if they receive little or no outside assistance or live alone.

You Continue Connecting with the Community

Being active in the community is good, but being older can make people feel isolated, especially if they have limited mobility. 

Bus trips are a great activity for groups, but in a lifestyle program, a volunteer usually goes with the participant to their local bowling alley or church to continue doing the things they value and enjoy. There are various ways to get someone to an elderly care facility if their mobility or a health issue prevents it. 

For instance, as part of our lifestyle program at IRT, we might connect residents with adjacent elementary school children so they can trade letters and artwork. On rare occasions, kids would visit the facility on a special occasion.


There are many benefits to engaging in leisure and lifestyle activities in aged care. These activities can help to improve mental and physical well-being and socialisation skills and provide a sense of purpose. In addition, they can also help to reduce boredom, loneliness and depression. Retirement living in Perth can be easy with an aged care service. 

Dale Cottages is available to assist seniors as a provider of Independent Village Living, Residential Care, Home Care Services, and a range of aged care services in Perth. Contact us to get started. 

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