What an absolutely wonderful day!  Dale Cottages Showcase Day, held at the Greendale Centre on Saturday, May 8,  was a huge success and enjoyed by so many.

The day started out with beautiful sunshine and as soon as the doors opened, so many came to see what was on offer,  and enjoy the open day.

120 Devonshire Teas were enjoyed in the first two hours!  The market stalls offered a wide variety of fare and the room was abuzz with people.   Dale Cottages staff were on hand to tell people about the wonderful services offered at Dale Cottages and our super volunteers made our guests feel very welcome with scones and tea/coffee.   Together we make a wonderful team.

The day was such a success, we plan to hold another day, a little later in the year and we look forward to welcoming our community once again.

Thank you to all who attended and all who helped on the day!

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